In 2011 I plan to visit the 50 closest religious institutions near my home. Why? Same reason George Mallory gave for climbing Mt. Everest, “Because it is there.”
Some people think that climbing ridiculously tall mountains is a fool’s game. Those same people will think that spending a year attending a new church every week is a form of sadomasochism. It probably is, but I’m still excited about this little adventure.
My Motivation
I drive by local churches every day on my way to the post office, work, and supermarket. I’m familiar with their names and the clever sayings on their reader boards, but I don’t know that much about what happens inside. I’m curious to find out more.
I know I have some preconceived ideas about many of the religions and denominations around me, though I have no real experience with them. And though I doubt going to their place of worship just one time will overturn all of my biases, I am expecting to walk away from this exercise with more understanding of who is in my community, what they care about, and what they have to offer.
There is a church
There is a steeple
I’m opening the doors
To find all the people
I no doubt will have some revelations along the way about how this project could shape up. At this point I’m going into it with an open mind and an open hand. Besides talking to my immediate family, I’ve shared this little adventure with no one – not an agent, a publisher, or my therapist.
I plan to blog about these 50 visits and it will be interesting to see how other people react to what I find and share. I look forward to the interaction.
More to come. My first church visit is tomorrow morning!
honor · 742 weeks ago
Bob McGrath 44p · 742 weeks ago
Jay Jackson · 737 weeks ago
I'll be reading the blog, and following your project closely.
Bob McGrath 44p · 727 weeks ago
Amy · 729 weeks ago
Bob McGrath 44p · 727 weeks ago
Greg · 713 weeks ago